Friday, September 17, 2021

How can the trucking factoring services help you fetch your payment on time?

In most cases, it has been seen that the trucking service provider is not paid on time. The trucking entities are enforced to wait for weeks and even months in order to receive the payments. The service-seeking company fails to pay the bill which turns out as a liability and even causes a lack of funds for the smooth functioning of truck services. In order to avoid such complexities and ensure the stability of the trucking business, the companies can choose a reliable service provider for trucking factor service.

Trucking factor companies that serve as a rescue for the bill clearance of trucking services are basically a third party. The main job of these companies can be understood by comparing it to a loan agency. With the help of trucking factor service, the company which performs a service for any particular business receives the bill payment immediately. The clearance is done by the factor (third party). In return, a reasonable percentage from the bill amount is deducted as a truck factoring service charge.

Various factoring plans are in function these days. So, while choosing trucking factoring services, don’t forget to evaluate your business requirements and figure out which plan caters to your needs.

Here are some of the amazing tips that will help you choose the right plan.

  • The first and the most important point to consider is whether you want recourse or a non-recourse plan. Every plan has its own pros and cons.
  • Different truck factoring plans work well depending upon businesses. Find out your business risks and choose a plan accordingly.
  • If you are an owner of a new business then undoubtedly the recourse plan will serve you best. Though the factor charges a bit more in monetary terms compared to other plans but the plan benefits are more. Also, the trucking organization is not liable for unpaid bills.
  • If you want to pay less then, you can opt for a recourse plan. Under this plan, the trucking organization is partially responsible if the client fails to clear the bill.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

How does the freight factoring company work?

An invoice factoring companies work in a similar manner as the freight factoring company. The only difference between the freight factoring company is that it is designed specifically for the transportation company which includes freight and brokerage company.

The freight industry has loyal clients and shippers but one cannot ignore the fact that the clients take weeks or even some months after the due date to make the payment. This results in serious problems with the cash flows which affect the growth of the trucking business. Most of the trucking business suffers due to cash crunch problems. They do not have the money which they need at the right time. Clients and the payment collecting methods becomes a headache though one devise ways to collect the money which one needs. Many companies do not have funds to compensate for the daily expenses. Factoring company helps with the financing mechanism.

Freight Bill Factoring Process

Freight bill factoring for the transportation company is structured in two different ways. One can select a two-installment transaction or full advance transaction. Generally, the bigger company opt to select the two installment transactions since they do not give enough funds in their accounts for compensating the shortage while the small companies demand the full advance transaction due to their fast-growing nature.

The full advance transaction in the freight factor companies is the one when the invoice is brought in one single payment and a flat service fee or charges is imposed. While the two-installment transaction method includes two-step: advance and rebate. Companies extend 90% of the invoice amount as advances and the balance 10% is cleared when the clients pay off the dues.

Whether you have a large-sized business entity or a small one, seeking the assistance of the factors helps in easily meeting the cash flows demand. There are some well-known companies that offer factoring services to a wide variety of businesses such as distributors, business services, manufacturing companies, freight companies, medical products industry, technology companies, small hospitals, trucking companies, and temporary staffing agencies. An invoice factoring company customizes the right kind of financial product required which is suitable to the business needs.  

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Monday, July 19, 2021

What are the benefits of freight invoice factoring?

We commonly find every industry dealing with the same problem which is not getting paid on time. It is detrimental to the health of the business. When the invoices are sent out, it does not guarantee any prompt payments on the behalf of company invoiced. At times, even the problem of ethics is breached. Making a payment to the drivers on a timely basis is necessary for maintaining the day-to-day activity. All the bills need to be paid. Specifically for the trucking companies, these problems need to be addressed without any delay. They need to hit the roads daily with their trucks. They cannot afford to take an off for a day or two just to make sure that the payment is made. All this adds up to the stress of the trucking company.

Now, comes the idea of a commonly used method of financing that is freight invoice factoringInvoices are provided to every trucker for the service or work they render. The outstanding invoices generally absorb all the cash inflow of business. However, engaging with the factoring companies helps to easily convert the receivable into quick cash without taking much time.

Benefits of Factoring

Factoring comes as a good option for all business owners. Some of the benefits of factoring include,

·     Professional collections: A good factor collects all the accounts receivable in a professional manner. This helps in eliminating the overhead expenses associated with the collection procedure which free up some time to run the business in a smooth manner.

·         Compliance: A professional factoring company makes use of various effective tools which greatly diminished the time required for complying with the endless general rule and regulations of the government.

·         Fuel card: The factoring facilities of loading the fuel cards and easy ATM access is counted as the definite advantage. It helps to easily write the checks.

·         No debt: Factoring is not any type of loan which creates an obligation to make payment. It helps to keep the balance sheet look good. Hence, they make it easier to obtain any other type of finance.

·         Credit screening: Generally, the professional factors provide credit investigation facilities for both the new and existing customers. This helps to lower the bad debt balance every day.

·         No personal guarantee: The principal company does not have to provide any guarantee against the repayment of funding from the invoices held against the disputes or fraud incurred.

On average, the invoices are paid after 30 to 45 days of the invoice date. Waiting for the payments for a long period might come up with consequences. Look for the top invoice factoring companies available for your trucking company and enjoy the payments in a convenient way.

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Sunday, June 20, 2021

How to factor in the invoices and maintain a profitable business?

Trucking factoring is often referred to as a blessing or curse which means success or failure for the trucking business. Finding the appropriate freight bill factoring company is not considered to be an easy task. It is necessary to find the right kind of factoring service provider which would suit the business need and help it to make successful.

What is factoring?

Invoice factoring is known as short-term lending by making use of the accounts receivable or open invoices as collateral security. In the trucking business, invoices are paid between 45 days to 60 days. A cash-intensive business mostly the trucking company does not have a sufficient amount of cash reserves to run the business uninterruptedly. Even waiting for 30 standard days is too long for a small-sized business. Trucking factoring services come as a beneficial solution that provides cash for all the invoices within a day or two. However, they might put a huge burden on companies by imposing fees which range around 1% to 8% which depends on the terms and conditions. These fees are deducted from the aggregate amount collected of the invoices and in extreme situations at higher rates which might be more than the profit of invoices.

When to factor the invoices of the company held and when one should not?

Accounts receivable factoring can help to fetch quick capital within a short period of time. It is necessary to make sure that the expense to factor the invoices are low than the benefits derived from the same. A trucking company generally runs at the lower margin of 10% and pays factoring fees which dig up the profit and do not even cover the unexpected expenses. Be careful of the various services offered as the fees vary accordingly. At the same time, the creditworthiness of customers, the total factoring amount too make a difference.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the trucking factoring company helps in the growth of every business when there is a lack of sufficient cash flow. However, make sure to engage with a reliable company to fetch the best benefit.

Factoring Fast
Add-2000 Auburn Road,
Beachwood OH 44122


Friday, April 23, 2021

Best accounts receivable financing company

A factoring company buys the open invoices from business and pay them to cash in return. The payment of the invoices is usually made within 24 hours. Then, the factoring company is responsible for collecting the unpaid amounts against those invoices from the clients. Factoring is also called accounts receivable financing.

If you think why the companies use the services provided by the factor, then you must know that the businesses get immediate money against their unpaid invoices, rather than waiting for a long period of 30 days, 60 days, and sometimes even 90 days.

The amount the company factors depends on business needs. Some companies factor all the invoices, while some factor the invoices of only those customers who have a habit of paying late. With factoring, companies increase their cash flow and can pay employees, handle customer orders, buy raw materials, etc.

How Does it work?

To explain the different steps of how factoring works, here you go:

·         Firstly, you provide services to your customer.

·         The, you send the bill to a factoring company.

·         The factoring company pays you to cash in advance against your invoice, typically within 24 hours.

·         Then, the factoring company collects payment from your client.

·         The factoring company pays you the remaining invoice amount. At this time, the account receivable financing companies deduct their fee as well.

Advantages of factoring:

If you want to know some more benefits of hiring the services of a factoring company, then here are some of the best advantages:

·         The factoring company takes all your headache of managing back-office and taking your collections.

·         If you are not sure about the creditworthiness of your customers, the factoring company is ready to bear the risk. They also do a quick credit check of the client and his business history.

·         The factoring company customises and manages capital, as and when you need it.

·         In this type of financing option, there is no debt incurred like traditional loans.

·         Also, the amount of funding available increases as the company grows.

·         Many people vouch for the fact that the services and mode of operation of a factoring company are much better than the traditional loans. 

Can companies use factoring?

Any companies of any sizes, from single managed businesses to biggest multinational companies, use factoring to increase their cash flow. Factoring is used by several industries such as trucking, transportation, textiles, oilfield services, health care, manufacturing, government, contracting, staffing and more. Some companies need immediate cash paid by the factoring company to pay salaries and buy inventory; some companies use the

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How is an online invoice factoring company helping the business?

Every organization requires a proper source of funding for its various operational work. Efficient cash inflows help them to thrive and maintain their daily expenses.

Now, finance can be gathered from various sources such as short term business loans, investors, invoice finances, borrowing from non-financial institutions, etc. The best part of the online invoice factoring company is that it helps in availing finance options even to those companies who fail to qualify for a loan. All they need to do is provides their invoices to the factors for selling and avail monetary benefits without delay. The factors provide the equivalent amount of cash in their bank accounts within a day or two. Hence, it allows the company to meet all the obligatory payments without taking any loan or debt.

Why is invoice funding actually required?

Generally, a new business sells his goods or provides services on credit. The payments are not made by the client immediately. Rather, they are extended a credit period of around 30 to 60 days for making the payments. This then locks the entire payment amount for the business suppliers or service providers who have to wait for the money till the invoice clearance. It often results in a shortage of the adequate amount of working capital required for the new businesses.

Online Freight bill factoring is one of the strong options to secure the short term finance source for the business. It is a good way for businesses to make use of their high-value invoices to get in quick money. It is the easiest way to arrange for the working capital required by the business. In this financing mechanism, all the invoices are sold to the factor at a reduced price from the actual amount quote on the bill. This helps in to require the funds much before then the due date of the bill. However, the amount received is subject to a certain deduction, which is referred to as a discount fee. This money can even be invested in the growth of the business. Hence, factoring proves to be a beneficial option.

Monday, January 18, 2021

How to select a reputable factor receivables company?

It is quite obvious to start looking for a freight bill factoring company if your business is facing the problem of a cash crunch. The best part of a factoring company is that they can give you cash immediately ad so you will not have to wait for your client to pay you. But you need to keep one thing in your mind that not all factoring companies are the same. This is the main reason why you need to examine clearly before taking service from a factor receivable company. Mentioned below are some of the points to look for.

·         Proper research – It is very important that you do proper research about the factoring company before you make a final agreement with them. Apart from this, you can also look for unbiased sites where the customer is completely free to share their own view related to the factoring company. This will prove out to be an important point for choosing a factoring company.

·         The company with experience – It has been noticed that there is some factor receivables company which has a focus on some particular industries. But you need to go with one that has broader experience. The only thing that you can make sure of is that the factoring company is aware of your industry this will help you in not explaining things to them in the entire factoring process.

·         Get quotes from many – It is always advisable to get quotations from the different factoring companies. The reason behind it is that there are companies who pay only a small percentage of your invoice value, while others give a much higher percentage. You must not forget that a quality factoring company will make sure that you get around ninety percent of the value of your invoice. This will help your business to get on track with less money on credit to the client.

·         Debt collection procedure – You must not forget to check the debt collection procedure of the factoring company that you are about to hire. The moment you sell your invoice to the factoring company then they will come in direct contact with them. The only thing that you need to make sure that they do not carry out any unethical procedure for the collection of debt.

There are many freight bill factoring companies available thus it is very important that you understand what to look for them before making a final agreement. If you follow all the points discussed above then you can end up selecting a quality factoring company. Don’t forget that the thing that these factoring companies do is going to affect your business in some way or the other.

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