Thursday, December 10, 2020

How does the factoring company work?

We often find business owners struggling to gather sufficient funds in order to run their business. Obtaining funds from a traditional bank loan is never an easy task. Bank tends to provide financial assistance to those who are secured by tangible assets such as machinery, inventory, real estate, and equipment. However, working with a factoring company is found to be less restrictive. When the invoices are sold, the procedure is called factoring and the party making purchase is called a factor.

The entire working procedure of the Accounts receivable financing company is very simple and transparent. All you need to do initially is to complete the entire application procedure by submitting all the essential information about the company and accounts receivable. The factoring company does all the work with due diligence and prepares all the necessary paperwork required for legal purposes. Typically the entire work is done within a couple of days. While some of the factoring companies even provide within a day funding proposals. Once the factoring company starts working, the client company needs to provide a list of all the customer's invoices and then forward it to the company for an immediate cash advance. 

The invoices of the customers provided by the client company to the factors are billed and then followed up later to ensure receipt of payment. Once all the work is done, around 70 to 90 percent of the purchased invoice value is extended. Further, once the factoring company receives the entire invoice value from the customers on the due date, the unadvanced portion of the invoice after deduction of the financing fee is provided. 

What are the important considerations which must be checked while evaluating the factoring companies?

While evaluating the factoring companies, there are certainly important areas which one should carefully consider. The first critical factor is the pricing structure. One must consider the customer payment scenarios along with the total fees imposed for different vendors. Comparing the deposit amount or the application fees, rate of advance or the monthly minimum amount helps in making better evaluations among the factor receivables. All factoring companies operate in a different manner. So, do proper research and find the best company for your business.


Saturday, October 31, 2020

What are the things that you need to know about Truck Factoring?

The very first thing that we need to understand is what this factoring is all about. So, let me tell you that factoring is one of the common practices that are used in the trucking industry. This is a way by which they keep their finances in order and collect debts quickly. It has been noticed that in the case of the trucking industry, the bills and debts from many companies get complicated, and sometimes a long wait time is required to collect the money that they owed. You can say that trucking factoring is helpful for the manager who is tired because of the long wait time and needs money on a shorter time scale.

Why truck factoring is a good option to consider?

Truck factoring is the best option for the truck company who do not have sufficient fund with them, and so they don’t want to owe them money for extended periods of time. Well, in the case of a factoring company, they provide the trucking company the money that they need immediately and then collect the debt later. Let us understand the difference between factoring and bank loan that is opted. It can be said that a loan is completely dependent on the company’s credit score, but factoring depends on the value of the company’s receivables. It can be said that a loan is a form of borrowing money, but factoring is all about the purchase of receivable. And the difference between loan and factoring is that a loan involves two parties, whereas factoring involves three. Thus, opting for factoring is much easier because of no interference of credit score.

In the case of financial factoring, a business sells its account receivable or invoices to the third party, and it is decided based on the accounts receivable factor. For the need for immediate funds, the business manager sells the account receivable at a much reduced price. Apart from all this, you will find that there are some businesses that have varying cash flow. Hence, for them, the debt needs to be paid immediately so that the business continues without any obstacles.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Why factoring comes as an attractive package for the business organization?

Factoring is one of the complete financial packages which combine working capital financing, credit protection, accounts receivable bookkeeping, and the collection services. Factor receivables are the bank or any specialized financial firm that performs the financing task by purchasing accounts receivables or invoices. The factors provide a portion of the invoice value after acquiring the invoices. They assume all the risk related to the accounts receivables as well as the collection handling hurdles while calculating their discount fee.

It comes as an attractive option for all the business entities irrespective of their operational size. It helps in improving the liquidity positions of the organization boosting up the competitiveness in the marketplace even within the limited time frame.

How does the factoring company work?

Almost all of the factoring companies work in a transparent manner. The business client agrees with the factoring companies where all the sales ledger and credit control are managed for a fixed tenure of time. In return, these factoring company advances some funds on the basis of invoices held by the customers. Now, a certain reserved balance is provided to the company by the factor when the end customers who actually come to make payment clear the entire balance. However, many of the business clients preferably like to maintain their own credit control techniques rather than availing the factoring facilities as they chase the customers for the payment purpose. They generally believe that it is important for the business organization to maintain a healthy and friendly relationship with all the customers.

The best part of the Accounts receivable factoring company is that it does not create any liability on the balance sheet. It helps in creating funds on the basis of the outstanding invoice value held. Often, some business organizations fail to gather financial support in the form of a loan or have imposed a higher interest rate. Well, when it comes to a factoring company, you do not need to fulfil any certain criteria. Handover all your invoices, and you will get cash in return without any delay.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How has freight bill factoring proved to be beneficial for the business entity?

Freight bill factoring has come forward as one of the preferred forms of business financing. Money is that fuel, which ensures that a business entity can run smoothly without any interruption. Factoring companies help in to get that money source within no time. It helps in all the carriers and brokers to finance their slow-paying freight bill. How actually do they work is to provide an immediate cash facility in advance based on the invoice value held by any organization? The size of the organization is never a concern for them. They treat all the business entities at par. All they do is hold the invoices which are due for maturity in the future date and then provide the working capital in return of the invoices to run the business in a smooth manner.

We all are well aware of the fact that running a transportation company comes forward as a very rewarding job in terms of finance. It can be either a carrier or a freight broker. However, the operation of the trucking company is considered to be very challenging. One of the major reasons behind this is slow-paying clients. Most of the loaders take up around 30 to 60 days to clear their invoices. They rather work enough to drain the business owners completely in financial terms.

Now, certain expenses are considered to be operational ones such as drivers, fuel, and repairs that need to be paid. At the same time, there are even a few companies that, due to limitations in the financial resources, find it difficult to grow their operating scale. Factoring trucking companies come forward as a helping hand by providing immediate funding facility. All the open freight bills are collected, and a reasonable sum of money is disbursed on the basis of the invoice value. The amount disbursed is subject to the deduction of a nominal fee called a discount.

So, now there is no need to ask all your shippers for the quick pays. Contact a factoring company and get in quick finance access on the basis of your invoices.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Transportation System: A Necessity in Our Lives

Can you imagine a life where we had no transportation system? How would we move about how would you go from one place to another. How would we reach our loved ones or how would we even reach the things we really need if we didn’t have the means to reach it.

Certainly it’s impossible to imagine a life without any means of transport in it. We all need transportation system for some reason or the other and there is more than one reason as to why they are so important.

Let’s see how transportation helps us:

·         Transportation is the act by which we move something from one place to another and then.

·         Transportation is the act by which we move something from one place to another and it is one of the basic human needs of our time.

·         Everything that we may need cannot reach us which are why we need transportation so that we can reach the things that we need.

·         Imagine what would happen to economic development if we did not have transportation.

·         Transportation is also very essential for us to deliver goods. Sometimes we do not ourselves want to go somewhere but we need to deliver some things to some place. So in order to do that there are factoring trucking companies that help in delivering things from one place to another.

·         Transportation is also very important at the times of emergency because if we have a big emergency and we had to reach some place urgently then it would not be possible without means of transportation.

·         Sometimes if we use a service to deliver loads of freight but we can’t afford to pay for it in one go hence we can take the help of a freight bill factoring to finance our expense.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Benefits of Engaging with a Factoring Company

Factoring is even known as debtor finance, cash flow finance, and invoice discounting. It comes as a major business capital raising component for an organization. A business has to suffer adverse situations of recessions, depressions, and economic cycles. Proper finance helps in adding backbone to the entire business entity.

One of the people's misunderstandings is that only the company suffering financially or having a weak financial record factor their book debts. However, this concept is completely wrong. Rather factoring companies are considered as the best option for the ones who are mainly focused on growth objectives. These businesses type generally requires regular cash inflows to order to maintain the inventories for the peak seasons, upgraded and new equipment when required so that they can produce and prepare maximum possible goods and service for sale purpose.

Traditionally when the goods were offered on credit terms, a debtor had to wait for a long period in order to get their payment from the due invoice. It often creates a scarcity of funds for regular business operations such as financing, staff, and an overdraft. Factoring certainly is considered as a solution to fix such issues. All they have to do is produce their invoice to the factors. These invoices are bought by the trucking factoring. They transfer the invoice value after deduction of a certain nominal amount in the name of discount as the fee. This allows the business owners to encash the invoice quickly without waiting until the due date.

How does the factoring mechanism work?

All the invoices or book debts of the company are directly deposited into the factor account. These invoices are only considered when the goods and services are delivered. Opting for any mode of financing might create an obligation to make the payment and is considered as a debt. But, invoice discounting is simply utilizing its own resources, which are completely obligation-free. The entire mechanism is converting the invoices into cash before the due date after the deduction of a certain portion.

So, now why to wait to add in finance to run the business in a smooth manner?

Monday, June 1, 2020

How is an online invoice factoring company helping the business?

Every organization requires a proper source of funding for its various operational work. Efficient cash inflows help them to thrive and maintain their daily expenses.

Now, finance can be gathered from various sources such as short term business loans, investors, invoice finances, borrowing from non-financial institutions, etc. The best part of the online invoice factoring company is that it helps in availing finance options even to those companies who fail to qualify for a loan. All they need to do is provides their invoices to the factors for selling and avail monetary benefits without delay. The factors provide the equivalent amount of cash in their bank accounts within a day or two. Hence, it allows the company to meet all the obligatory payments without taking any loan or debt.

Why is invoice funding actually required?

Generally, a new business sells his goods or provides services on credit. The payments are not made by the client immediately. Rather, they are extended a credit period of around 30 to 60 days for making the payments. This then locks the entire payment amount for the business suppliers or service providers who have to wait for the money till the invoice clearance. It often results in a shortage of the adequate amount of working capital required for the new businesses.

Online Freight factoring is one of the strong options to secure the short term finance source for the business. It is a good way for businesses to make use of their high-value invoices to get in quick money. It is the easiest way to arrange for the working capital required by the business. In this financing mechanism, all the invoices are sold to the factor at a reduced price from the actual amount quote on the bill. This helps in to require the funds much before then the due date of the bill. However, the amount received is subject to a certain deduction, which is referred to as a discount fee. This money can even be invested in the growth of the business. Hence, factoring proves to be a beneficial option.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why the oilfield companies rely on the factoring company?

Finance is considered to be an essential part of any business, which ensures its working in an uninterrupted manner. Every business owner makes sure to make use of its resources to the optimum level. However, when it comes to financial resources, it has been seen that the oilfield service-based company often struggles due to the cash flow issues. Now, the problem with this big scale oil and gas operating company is that they pay their invoices in 30 to 90 days. They do not even maintain any cash reserves so that they could easily wait for their payments and meanwhile meet all their obligatory charges. The demands for the cash in the oilfield service company are always high with the slow turnaround times. This often hurts the business owners when they realize their own pocketbooks. Such situations often put the oilfield companies stuck in hard places.
It might seem that the company opens their own traditional line of credit. This would help in easy pumping of the working capital for the working of the business as per requirement. To get in a traditional line of credit is considered to be a very tough job for the oilfield service companies. Mostly, the financial institution such as banks demands a substantial amount of collateral securities, clean balance sheets, and a good successful working history of the entity. If compared with the real scenario only a few oilfield service companies could match up all the criteria. So, the only solution which is available is Oilfield invoice factoring,
Benefits of the invoice factoring company
In this modern era, invoice factoring is totally accepted as the new face, which is business-friendly. It helps in to capture all the possible revenue of the business, which would otherwise get locked up due to the slow payment and clearance of the invoices. It helps in reducing the time a business generally has to wait in order to get paid. This allows even to remain updated on the payroll and payables.
Even the online freight factoring makes sure certain things which include -
·         Predictable amount of cash flow from the reliable sources. The invoices created can be even immediately sold in the market.
·         The flexibility in the credit terms helps the business to enjoy a competitive edge in the market place to enhance the business operation.
Factoring or accounts receivable financing initially became popular in the US. However, in a gradual manner, a number of growing businesses even took good advantage of these factoring companies. Else they might have lost a good customer base due to the aggressive collection practices otherwise to be followed by the company. Hence, this reduces the possible debt burden to be suffered.